title: | string, multilingual The name of the tender, displayed in listings. You can include following items:
description: | string, multilingual Detailed description of tender |
tenderID: | string, autogenerated, read-only the tender identifier to refer tender to in “paper” documentation. OpenContracting Description: TenderID should always be the same as the OCID. It is included to make the flattened data structure more convenient. |
procuringEntity: | |
Organization, required Organization conducting the tender. OpenContracting Description: The entity managing the procurement, which may be different from the buyer who is paying / using the items being procured. |
value: | Value, required Total available tender budget. Bids greater then value will be rejected OpenContracting Description: The total estimated value of the procurement. |
items: | list of Item objects, required List containing single item being procured. OpenContracting Description: The goods and services to be purchased, broken into line items wherever possible. Items should not be duplicated, but a quantity of 2 specified instead. |
documents: | List of Document objects OpenContracting Description: All documents and attachments related to the tender. |
questions: | List of Question objects Questions to procuringEntity and answers to them. |
complaints: | List of Complaint objects Complaints to tender conditions and their resolutions. |
bids: | List of Bid objects A list of all bids placed in the tender altogether with information about tenderers and their proposal and other qualification documentation. OpenContracting Description: A list of all the companies who entered submissions for the tender. |
minimalStep: | Value, required The minimal step of auction (reduction). Validation rules:
awards: | List of Award objects All qualifications (disqualifications and awards). |
enquiryPeriod: | Period, required Period when questions are allowed. At least endDate have to be provided. OpenContracting Description: The period during which enquiries may be made and will be answered. |
tenderPeriod: | Period, required Period when bids can be submitted. At least endDate have to be provided. OpenContracting Description: The period when the tender is open for submissions. The end date is the closing date for tender submissions. |
auctionPeriod: | Period, read-only Period when Auction is conducted. |
awardPeriod: | Period, read-only Period that Awarding process took. OpenContracting Description: The date or period on which an award is anticipated to be made. |
status: | ‘active.enquiries’, ‘active.tendering’, ‘active.auction’, ‘active.qualification’, ‘active.awarded’, ‘unsuccessful’, ‘complete’, ‘cancelled’ Status of the Tender. |
revisions: | List of Revision objects, autogenerated Historical changes to Tender object properties. |
The Tender dates should be sequential:
- Current time
- enquiryPeriod.startDate
- enquiryPeriod.endDate
- tenderPeriod.startDate
- tenderPeriod.endDate