


string, auto-generated



Possible values for Tender

  • notice - Tender notice

    The formal notice that gives details of a tender. This may be a link to a downloadable document, to a web page, or to an official gazette in which the notice is contained.

  • biddingDocuments - Bidding Documents

    Information for potential suppliers, describing the goals of the contract (e.g. goods and services to be procured), and the bidding process.

  • technicalSpecifications - Technical Specifications

    Detailed technical information about goods or services to be provided.

  • evaluationCriteria - Evaluation Criteria

    Information about how bids will be evaluated.

  • clarifications - Clarifications to bidders questions

    Including replies to issues raised in pre-bid conferences.

  • eligibilityCriteria - Eligibility Criteria

    Detailed documents about the eligibility of bidders.

  • shortlistedFirms - Shortlisted Firms

  • riskProvisions - Provisions for management of risks and liabilities

  • billOfQuantity - Bill Of Quantity

  • bidders - Information on bidders

    Information on bidders or participants, their validation documents and any procedural exemptions for which they qualify.

  • conflictOfInterest - Conflicts of interest uncovered

  • debarments - Debarments issued

  • contractProforma - Draft contract

Possible values for Award

  • notice - Award Notice

    The formal notice that gives details of the contract award. This may be a link to a downloadable document, to a web page, or to an official gazette in which the notice is contained.

  • evaluationReports - Evaluation report

    Report on the evaluation of the bids and the application of the evaluation criteria, including the justification fo the award.

  • winningBid - Winning Bid

  • complaints - Complaints and decisions

Possible values for Contract

  • notice - Contract notice

    The formal notice that gives details of a contract being signed and valid to start implementation. This may be a link to a downloadable document, to a web page, or to an official gazette in which the notice is contained.

  • contractSigned - Signed Contract

  • contractArrangements - Arrangements for ending contract

  • contractSchedule - Schedules and milestones

  • contractAnnexe - Annexes to the Contract

  • contractGuarantees - Guarantees

  • subContract - Subcontracts

Possible values for Bid

  • commercialProposal - Сommercial proposal
  • qualificationDocuments - Qualification documents
  • eligibilityDocuments - Eligibility documents

string, multilingual

OpenContracting Description: The document title.


string, multilingual

OpenContracting Description: A short description of the document. In the event the document is not accessible online, the description field can be used to describe arrangements for obtaining a copy of the document.



OpenContracting Description: The format of the document taken from the IANA Media Types code list, with the addition of one extra value for ‘offline/print’, used when this document entry is being used to describe the offline publication of a document.


string, auto-generated

OpenContracting Description: Direct link to the document or attachment.


string, Date

OpenContracting Description: The date on which the document was first published.


string, Date

OpenContracting Description: Date that the document was last modified



OpenContracting Description: Specifies the language of the linked document using either two-digit ISO 639-1, or extended BCP47 language tags.



Possible values are:

  • tender
  • item
  • lot


Id of related Lot or Item.